Title I Program
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally-funded formula grant providing funds to eligible schools for students to meet the state’s challenging academic standards. Title I funds in the ConVal School District are provided to eligible schools in the elementary years to build a solid academic foundation for success. Within the expectation of an inclusion-based model, students receive supplemental educational support in addition to classroom core instruction.
Schoolwide vs. Targeted Title I Program Models
Schoolwide Program
- To improve academic achievement throughout a school so that all students, particularly the lowest-achieving students, and the historically underserved demonstrate proficiency related to the State’s academic standards. Eligible schoolwide schools meet a 40% low-income attendance area, must conduct a yearly comprehensive needs assessment and create a schoolwide plan that is reviewed by staff, community and stakeholders and updated each year.
Targeted Program
- Only identified children may be eligible and served in a Title I targeted school model. Students served are chosen through criteria based on a points system and may be discharged from support once they meet the grade-level academic standards.